[LaVilaDelPingüí]AKER - Free Source File Pack - #001
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dic oct 26 13:01:35 CEST 2016
Free AKER Open Source File Pack #001 - Hexagon Planter
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** The Hexagonal Planter: Open Source File Pack
Download (https://akerkit.myshopify.com/collections/source-files/products/hexagon-planter-source-file-pack?utm_source=Fablabs+%26+Makerspaces&utm_campaign=d9c598367b-Newsletter_Replications_00110_4_2016&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_b1fe875549-d9c598367b-209208349&mc_cid=d9c598367b&mc_eid=[UNIQID]) the free, open source file pack for the Hexagon Planter, and get everything you need to make your own home garden kit. The pack includes DXF files for a huge variety of toolbit sizes and material thicknesses, in both imperial and metric units. Everything has been prototyped and vetted by our team, and you should be up and running in just minutes.
Download the Source Files (https://akerkit.myshopify.com/collections/source-files/products/hexagon-planter-source-file-pack?utm_source=Fablabs+%26+Makerspaces&utm_campaign=d9c598367b-Newsletter_Replications_00110_4_2016&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_b1fe875549-d9c598367b-209208349&mc_cid=d9c598367b&mc_eid=[UNIQID])
** DXF File Pack
Every file is organized with layers set up for each unique CAM operation.
Metric Units
* 12 mm Sheet Thickness / 3 mm Bit Diameter
* 12 mm Sheet Thickness / 6 mm Bit Diameter
* 12 mm Sheet Thickness / 10 mm Bit Diameter
* 18 mm Sheet Thickness / 3 mm Bit Diameter
* 18 mm Sheet Thickness / 6 mm Bit Diameter
* 18 mm Sheet Thickness / 10 mm Bit Diameter
* 18 mm Sheet Thickness / 12 mm Bit Diameter
Imperial Units
* 0.5 in Sheet Thickness / 0.125 in Bit Diameter
* 0.5 in Sheet Thickness / 0.250 in Bit Diameter
* 0.5 in Sheet Thickness / 0.375 in Bit Diameter
* 0.75 in Sheet Thickness / 0.175 in Bit Diameter
* 0.75 in Sheet Thickness / 0.250 in Bit Diameter
* 0.75 in Sheet Thickness / 0.375 in Bit Diameter
* 0.75 in Sheet Thickness / 0.500 in Bit Diameter
Download the Source Files (https://akerkit.myshopify.com/collections/source-files/products/hexagon-planter-source-file-pack?utm_source=Fablabs+%26+Makerspaces&utm_campaign=d9c598367b-Newsletter_Replications_00110_4_2016&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_b1fe875549-d9c598367b-209208349&mc_cid=d9c598367b&mc_eid=[UNIQID])
** Give Us Feedback & Show Us What You Made
If you make an Hexagon Planter, we'd love to see photos and hear back from you in our forum. We'll be there to answer any questions you have, help you solve problems, and get you unblocked as soon as possible.
This prototype was made just this weekend by OCKHM (http://www.ockhm.com.au/?utm_source=Fablabs+%26+Makerspaces&utm_campaign=d9c598367b-Newsletter_Replications_00110_4_2016&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_b1fe875549-d9c598367b-209208349&mc_cid=d9c598367b&mc_eid=[UNIQID]) in Perth, Australia:
Give Us Feedback (https://community.akerkits.com/t/hexagon-planter-v1-0/304?utm_source=Fablabs+%26+Makerspaces&utm_campaign=d9c598367b-Newsletter_Replications_00110_4_2016&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_b1fe875549-d9c598367b-209208349&mc_cid=d9c598367b&mc_eid=[UNIQID])
** Restoring the Garden of the Earth
At AKER, our mission is to democratize the technology and skills we need to restore the Earth's ecosystems. We want to lower the barriers of entry so that everyone can participate in creating local food systems and wildlife habitats, wherever they live. If you have a rooftop, balcony, backyard, or even a countertop, you can begin empowering yourself to regenerate the Earth, and your impact is magnified by the work of your neighbors.
We'll be releasing new source file packs for free on a regular basis. All of the designs are published with an open license (CC-BY-SA), so you're free to use them, adapt them, and even start a business selling them.
** (https://twitter.com/akerkits?utm_source=Fablabs+%26+Makerspaces&utm_campaign=d9c598367b-Newsletter_Replications_00110_4_2016&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_b1fe875549-d9c598367b-209208349&mc_cid=d9c598367b&mc_eid=[UNIQID])
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** (https://akerkits.com?utm_source=Fablabs+%26+Makerspaces&utm_campaign=d9c598367b-Newsletter_Replications_00110_4_2016&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_b1fe875549-d9c598367b-209208349&mc_cid=d9c598367b&mc_eid=[UNIQID])
Copyright © 2016 AKER, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email as the Owner/Manger of a Fablab or other Makerspace. We wanted to send you a complimentary source file pack for our new line of products, as we know you are committed to open source technologies like we are.
Our mailing address is:
2590 Walnut St.
Denver, Colorado 80205
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