[LaVilaDelPingüí] Final spurt: 4 days left! Make A Difference!

Sissy-Ve Basmer-Birkenfeld basmers a hsu-hh.de
dim jun 27 16:44:33 CEST 2017

Dear La Vila del Pingüí,

The OpenLab Hamburg, the Helmut Schmidt University and the Arab-German Young
Academy would like to remind the community of the La Vila del Pingüí of the
final spurt of the idea challenge ‘Make A Difference’.


4 days left

Deadline: 30th of June, 2017.


Become one out of nine finalists and win a trip to Hamburg in Germany and
other prices including a 3D-Printer. 


No idea? Then simply comment others, become the best collaborator and also
win a trip to Hamburg


(If you are not familiar with plain English, please simply use the Google
translation tool.)


More information can be found on our website
<http://www.make-a-difference.info> www.make-a-difference.info 

You can also follow us on Facebook:


We would kindly like to ask you to communicate and disseminate the final
spurt. Many thanks in advance!


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